

University Consortium

TIE Master: Transforming Ideas into Innovations

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
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To cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs, InnoX has launched a joint master program with KAUST: Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE). The TIE master offers a 16-month program to equip students with the skills and knowledge essential for thriving careers in venture formation, startups, and established organizations alike. Students undergo immersive experiences including a 6-month product development internship in Shenzhen, China, a world-renowned hub for technology and innovation. Topics in the program cover idea generation, market research, design thinking, manufacturing processes, developing a proof-of-concept product, lab-field testing, prototype iteration, pilot system, scaling and commercialization.    

Duration: 16 Months
10-months at KAUST, Saudi Arabia
6-months internship at Shenzen, China
